
You’ve “Unlocked” a complimentary

1-on-1 vocal lesson with me!

Right now you can grab a private lesson with me totally for FREE (normally $300)

Your Vocal Essentials mini-course is on the way to your email inbox…

But right now you can grab a private lesson with me totally for FREE (normally $300)

Step 1: Watch This Video


There are only so many

1-on-1 lesson spots per month.

So grab yours now before they’re booked! 

STEP 2: Claim Your FREE

Vocal Lesson Below

Get a personalized practice plan for your unique voice & music goals

What happens during your 1-on-1 lesson?

1. We’ll have a quick chat about your experience with singing, as well as any goals you have for the future.

2. I’ll take you through a couple quick exercises to assess your current vocal abilities (and diagnose any weak areas or potentially harmful techniques).

3. From there, we’ll sing some of your favorite music - whether that’s original music or songs from your favorite artists.

4. I’ll coach you through anything about your singing that needs improvement, including tone, pitch, sustain, breath control, head vs chest vs mixed voice, and more

5. Finally, we’ll come up with a plan of action for you going forward - so you can continue to get results.

Step 1: Watch This Video

NOTE: There are only so many 1-on-1 lesson spots per month. So grab yours now before they’re booked! 

Get a personalized practice plan for your unique voice & music goals

No one on earth has the voice you do. And no one else has the life you do. 

Which means: In order to maximize your success as a singer, we need to create a plan that’s specific to your goals and lifestyle.

This FREE 1-on-1 vocal lesson will help you do just that.

No more messing around with random exercises, following impersonal YouTube “lessons”, or trying to figure out your voice on your own (and risking permanent damage in the process).

I’m here to give you a custom-tailored plan to turn you into the singer you’ve always wanted to be. 

STEP 2: Claim Your FREE

Vocal Lesson Below

My 1-on-1 vocal lessons provide a safe, supportive, judgment-free environment.

(Which is a big reason why I’ve worked with thousands of happy students)

I’ve worked with singers at all levels. No matter how “bad” you think you are…trust me I’ve heard worse.

And it doesn’t even matter. We all start out as imperfect singers.

You don’t need to be great to be worthy of getting better. All you need is a desire to improve.

And technically…if you don’t even want to sing, you don’t have to.

We can simply talk about your goals and process.

And I’ll help you determine the best plan for you at your current level of singing.

Who is this for?

- Any singer who wants to improve their singing voice and confidence as a singer 

- Beginner singers who want to build a solid foundation 

- More advanced singers who want to troubleshoot problem areas 

- Non-vocalists who want to add singing to their skillset 

- Songwriters who want to avoid hiring a vocalist every time they write or record a song

…or anyone else who wants to improve their singing voice and keep their voice healthy.

What Students Are Saying About Vocal Academy 3.0:

Meet Your Instructor:

Sean has toured the world multiple times through his DIY Bands, covering everything from Pop to Metal, since he was a teenager​. Over the last decade of coaching, Sean has helped over 4,000 students Unlock their True Voice.

He's been apart of multiple YouTube channels with a combined subscriber count of over 1,200,000 Subscribers (as of 2024) ​

Has been repeatedly featured on Publications such as: Metal Injection, MetalSucks, Esquire Magazine, The Chive, TubeFilter, and the covetous front page of Reddit​

In less than 8 Months, Sean was in the TOP 15 Musical Artists on Patreon... IN THE WORLD

"I'm unbelievably happy that I've achieved these goals! But Today, my goal is to teach you everything I've learned from the past DECADE of me singing professionally! Click the link to begin Unlocking Your True Voice!"


What Our Students Are Saying:

What Our Students Are Saying:

"It really works!

My life in general is better!

I've grown to love not only my voice,

but myself as a person following

these lessons. It's improved my mental

health and I now understand what my voice

is truly capable of!"


"I've tried online lessons before.

I've asked friends how to sing,

but it never worked out!

I finally got the information

I needed to GET GOOD!"


"It's only been a couple weeks and I see MASSIVE

Improvement! I've never taking singing lessons before in my life, but Vocal Academy has exactly what I need to get into the right frame of mind, and learn how to sing properly"


"I was skeptical, but these dudes light a spark in my that I thought died a long long time ago! After watching just a few of these videos, I can hit notes that I've never hit before"


"I died of laughter just learning how to breathe! They just made this FUN!! So I internalized the lessons even better!

If you want to learn how to sing and enjoy the process, sign up for Vocal Academy! You won't regret it!"


"Being a vocalist for 10 years, it's crazy to learn that I was doing EVERYTHING WRONG! Vocal Academy made perfoming so much easier! Super Worth it!



"I got into my first band! With the lessons I learned from Sean, I applied it to my screams and they're way better!

Thanks Sean, I wouldn't have come this far without this mentorship. My friends are giving me the holy crap face at karaoke haha"


"IN UNDER A DAY.... It found my exact problem I had and offered solutions!

MULTIPLE teachers told her that she was "completely unteachable


"It has changed the way I sing. I've become much better at it, I'm more confident in it, and I want to do it more! I got the confidence to perform at my town's talent show and won!"


"Just jump in! It's definitely by far the best investment I've made in who knows how long. If you're really passionate about music, joining is a no brainer."


"I wasn't sure where to start in becoming a better lyricist/ singer. I had been taking lessons from other teachers for years. They didn't get me a fraction of the results I got in this program.


"I Sing, Scream, Rap and finally monetizing my music so I can quit my day job!"


@ 2024
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